What compares to the feeling of laying in your own bed, especially after 4 nights of couches, floors and sleeping bags? Nothing at all. I don't really consider myself a touring musician yet, mainly because whenever i've gone TourIN' (hard southern accent) I come back with just as much money as I left with... or less? Most times I can barely keep track. But it is something I want to make a regular part of my life. The key for me when I do travel to play music is that expenses for the collective whole (gas, tolls, some booze, a few meals) are covered and that the band fund keeps its members sustained. At the level of doing it yourself, if you're band can travel and break even in that regard I think you're well on your way.
These past few days were a literal blast. I got to travel to places I've only ever heard about and experience them first hand. To play music in those cities, my cheesy little dream. So I talked about my time in Chicago, now it's time to talk about Cleveland! Wait... let's go through the nicknames. *clears throat*
Rock n' Roll Capitol of the World
The North Coast
Okay. Now you know! I'm sure theres more, and I'm sure all the people who heard us say any of those names knew we weren't from Cleveland. Naturally our first destination was the reason a town in OHIO is named the rock n roll capitol of the world... the Rock n Roll Hall of fame. I have never been. My mom told me I didn't want to go... I'm gonna guess because a 6 hour drive to a museum isn't my kinda thing, but we were there! We played ROCK in Cleveland and got to see material items of famous ROCKERS who were honored on the north coast! Pretty sweet.
Highlight reel: my personal favorite was Pete 'Sneaky Pete' Klieinow's outfit from the cover of The Flying Burrito Brothers album Gilded Palace of Sin. It's kind of hilarious because Caden (bass player, ya definitely know him if you know me and are reading this) and I have talked about how everybody else in the band has these badass nudie suits, but Sneaky Pete's outfit looks like a pair of purple PJ's with a pterodactyl on it. I LOVE IT. I took one picture the whole time and it was of that and his lapsteel placed underneath. Serious listen to Gilded Palace of Sin if you never have.
Second thing worth talking about was how I said 'I love u2' in the RnR hall of fame, which means I'm forever committed to loving u2... and here's how that happened. If you've mentioned u2 to me, you may know they ain't my cup o tea. Mainly because I'M ALLOWED TO HAVE MY OPINIONS. But seriously, they have a few songs I can dig, but for me they just seem like a radio rock band that I've heard too many times. How'd they end up on my phone? Oh... money! Anyways, Caden and Jesse know of that burning passion for u2, so when I saw their induction plaque i said 'Oh yeah! u2!' suuuuuper sarcastically. Turns out Jesse nor Caden were around me at this time but this other tall dude in flannel was. Check out the picture with this post, you can understand. He looked me in the eyes and said 'yeah dude! I saw them this past year and they we're amazing. I love u2. How about you?' Naturally, I responded with the last statement I heard. You guessed it 'I love u2'. So now you know. I love lying to strangers and I professed my love for u2 in the rock n roll hall of fame, so it's really real. And I know its suppose to be a capital U but also I dissssrespect them.
The hall was sick and the show that night was amazing. We played with a bunch of really amazing Ohio bands that brought their A games for all the peeps. Their were free tacos, interesting anime, and lots of incredibly welcoming people. Dad Farm (the house) rules, a really great safe space that nows how to build a bill. Check out these bands if you have a sec; Drag Daze, Screaming Eagles, Julia Julian (my personal favorite, possibly of all tour) and Biitch Seat. Lot's of beer, lot's of basements, just my type of events.
Unfortunately, twas my worst night of sleep. Not for any reason in particular other than allergies and an adorable cat who's peak operating hours I figured out was around 6:30 am. That being said, I'm glad to be home. Mainly because the lack of driving and as I mentioned right off the bat, my own bed. 6 or 7 hour drives aren't bad at all until you are driving home. Then the shortest leg of the trip FEELS like the longest.
Anyways, next SNY gig is this Tuesday October 2nd for the release of Lancaster's Revelo Magazine. I work till 8 so Jesse's setting up my kit, maybe even playing it too! Then I'll be playing this Saturday October 6th at the kaleidoscope with my solo project... yes full band!
Thanks for reading this far, holy crap!
